On 22nd – 23rd September, the National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption hosted the fifth INSIGHT transnational meeting. It officially launched the last semester of project activities, and gave partners the opportunity to share new challenges, ideas, and great satisfaction for the achieved results. Given the current health situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization, both in presence and distanced, ensured the presence of all partners.
The meeting was important to start up both the last intellectual outputs validation phase then to set up the action plan on the Blueprint for Industrial Symbiosis.

The transnational meeting focused in particular on the following upcoming activities:
- Real verification of the INSIGHT Learning platform and Training material: it will involve a least 30 stakeholders selected from different target groups, and with different backgrounds. Their useful feedback will be important for the optimization of the output before the launch of the IS Facilitator learning course.
- Development of the Blueprint for Industrial Symbiosis: it will provide a roadmap of how the organisations are expected to deliver activities based on the desired Industrial Symbiosis principles, by making use of certain inputs and resources. The Blueprint will contain a concrete action plan that will push and sustain the INSIGHT project results and policy during the following years of execution beyond the project.
Finally, the INSIGHT partners thank Cristina Badulescu who participated in the meeting as external guest to present the project Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacons, an EU funded project implemented under the Framework of Climate KIC Programme. We are confident that it will be a source for the development of new synergies!
Stay tuned for more up-to-date information.