Styrian Technology Park (STP) was founded in 1994, as the first Slovenian technology park. It is a public non-profit body, a technology, business & research support organization, based in the Podravje region, North-East Slovenia. Besides its headquartered premises (research & industrial area) in Pesnica pri Mariboru, STP manages its activities also within two additional branches/business units (business support centres and incubators) in the centre of the City of Maribor (2nd largest city of Slovenia). STP supports companies operating in different sectors (e.g. efficient use of energy, ICT with KET, smart technologies, creative industries, tool production, robotics, etc.). Thus, STP is always engaged in the preparation and implementation of efficient technical support and advice services according to different sectors of developing companies.

As a subsidiary (daughter) institution of the Regional Development Agency for Podravje region (Maribor Development Agency – MDA), STP actively participates in the processes of preparation and implementation of various kinds of research–development–innovation projects (funded from international, EU and non-EU, national sources), development plans for the region, participates in national strategic planning etc. It is also active in the processes of regional transfer of knowledge and technologies.
Within almost 25 years of its operation, STP has developed a long-term collaboration with a wide pool of external experts, organizations and networks, competent for and capable of implementing all the needed support services as well as effective project work on a regional, national, EU and wider international level. STP staff members have been involved in the implementation of numerous R&D&I EU projects, more than 20 own project and more than 80 projects in correlation with MDA, financed through different EU programmes (Interreg – CE, Danube, MED, EEA, FP7, SEE, ERASMUS+, CBC SI-AT, CBC SI-HR, Intelligent Energy Europe, Enlargement Europe, etc). All members of STP staff have rich experiences managing various research/development/innovation (local, regional, national and EU) funded projects.