Since September 2020, the INSIGHT Consortium is preparing the INSIGHT Training Course which is composed by five modules:
1. IS Theory, Concepts and Context
2. Resource Management
3. Industrial Symbiosis Management
4. Soft Skills for IS
5. IS Case Studies
In order to deploy all the materials prepared for the whole course, project partners, led by CETEM, have designed and developed the software of an e-learning platform, which will be freely available to all the learners interested in INSIGHT course. Adapted to the current and future trends of the whole society, the platform specifically addresses industries in terms of sustainability, circular economy and cooperation among actors to implement Industrial Symbiosis. It will reinforce the vocational education and training of the target groups and review those key competences and skills needed for providing indispensable green and circular elements for the development of industrial symbiosis processes with greatest added value in terms of economic, social and environmental savings.
Interested? We invite you to test the demo-version of the INSIGHT training course!
For more information, please contact the
e-learning responsible: Ms. Almudena Muñoz (