The 3-days workshop focused on providing the participants with deeper knowledge on Industrial Symbiosis and how this can be successfully applied in the SMEs context.
The 3-days workshop was part of a training cycle, which is organized in 3 different sessions and it addresses some of the most relevant actors in Slovenia, mainly including Styrian Technology Park (our Slovenian Consortium partner, as the 1st established technology park in Slovenia) and Ljubljana Technology Park. The first workshop session took place from 26th to 28th of November, 2019. Our Slovenian partners from STP were invited to participate in order to boost their knowledge on IS. On this occasion, the focus was on understanding more clearly the opportunities IS can provide to SMEs and how these can be implemented. The workshop also included some practical group and individual exercises based on real best case examples. The workshop was delivered by an IS expert from the United Kingdom.The next session is set for March 2020, when STP will actively participate in the identification of real IS opportunities among SMEs and how to put them into practice.