STP team has successfully taken part to the 3 days’ training on Industrial Symbiosis for regional sustainable Growth and a Resource efficient circular economy organized by Ljubljana Technology Park and held virtually on the Zoom video conferencing platform.

The training was delivered by one of the main experts of Industrial Synergies company, which is based in the UK. Since 2003, the company has been supporting companies in the UK as well as many other countries around the world in tackling issues related to carbon emission, reducing landfill and industry’s reliance on virgin resources. Hence, they established a non-profit company dedicated entirely to Industrial Symbiosis.
During the 3 days, different topics were discussed, enabling participants with deeper knowledge and competence such as processing synergies with companies, capturing economic, environmental and social impacts, data analysis and financial instruments.
Debates and engagement into the matters were remarkable and strongly supported by all IS facilitators in order to come up with new ideas and enhancing awareness on Industrial symbiosis strengths and treats both in the internal market as well as for what concerns the position of Slovenia in the European market.
The discussion will continue in the beginning of June, touching upon different aspects of IS and more advanced workshops for participants