One of the first outcomes of INSIGHT is the publication a paper on the state of art of Industrial Symbiosis with some case studies and a factual analysis of the situation of IS in Europe and globally. Building on this and the development of a training path, the project partners set Learning Outcomes that led to the definition of the INSIGHT Joint Curriculum. This curriculum takes in consideration the ECVET system in all of the EU countries in order to facilitate the transnational recognition, the transferring to countries and organizations, as well as being ready for a formal validation at European level.
This training course is the result of different activities involving not only the project partners but also more than 70 project’s stakeholders who validated and positively evaluated it.

The 5 modules which will compose it are:
1. IS Theory, Concepts and Context;
2. Resource Management;
3. Industrial Symbiosis Management;
4. Soft Skills For IS;
5. IS Case Studies.
Eager to know what each module will be about? The complete INSIGHT Joint Curriculum will soon be available on the website! So, stay tune to discover it in details.